design &

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Hi, I'm


I work as a freelancer and I love creating and communicating insights using data visualizations such as charts and maps.

During my PhD studies, I collaborated with experts from conflict research and medicine, digging into their domain problems to produce visualization solutions to solve their problems. At that, my mathematical background enabled me to tackle complex problems in an analytical and structured way.

My customized solutions include

  • dashboards for exploring and analyzing data,
  • analytical reports to summarize analytical insights and support decision-making, and
  • visual data stories for communicating insights in an engaging way.

On this page I provide a concrete example for each of the solutions.


since 2024
2019 - 2024
PhD Computer Science
Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg
2017 - 2019
M.Sc. Computational Visualistics
Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg
2012 - 2017
B.Sc. Mathematics
University of Konstanz


I create an understanding of your challenges and we determine the goals for the visualization, like searching for specific patterns in your data or exlpaining key findings to a target audience.
I assess what data is needed to fulfill the goals and ensure its availability.
In an iterative process that based on your feedback, I design visualizations to fulfill the determined goals.
To implement the solution, I use functional prototypes to gather your feedback early. I iterate on the implementation and, if necessary, on the design until the final solution is produced.

Would you like to know how data visualization can help you solve your problems?

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